“Every champion was once a contender that refused to give up.”

-Rocky Balboa

Bloganuary writing prompt
What are your favorite sports to watch and play?

Hello again. Being the mother of a teenage son, it’s impossible to get out of watching a sport. In my case, it’s soccer. My son has always loved soccer. I used to kick the ball around with him in the evenings when he was still a preschooler. We both used to love it. We would take turns playing goalkeeper, and it killed him that we were playing on tar because he couldn’t dive for the ball. We have a foam sleeper couch in the lounge, so he used to pull that out and practice his dives on there. Naturally, his first position on a soccer team at age 7 was as a goalkeeper. He now plays defensive or midfield positions.

Next was wrestling. WWE, to be exact. I didn’t mind, as I used to love watching wrestling with my dad as a kid. I also watched boxing with my dad back then. We would be up at 3 am or so to watch a Sugar Ray Leonard or Marvelous Marvin Hagler fight in Vegas. I loved spending that time with my dad. My son and his friend used to practice their wrestling moves on that sleeper coach. Thank goodness it was just foam. It really went through the works…lol.

Next up was F1. My son discovered Drive to Survive on Netflix, and the next thing you know, we were both hooked. That was about 3 or 4 years ago. Today, we are avid Mercedes fans. I am praying that the team pulls out an amazing car this year that enables Hamilton’s 8th (or shall we say 9th because he won “that” Abu Dhabi race…). I enjoy following the various strategies and my mind is blown at the level of precision required and all of the elements that need to be managed to win a race. This year my would like to attend a race. We will have to see what the bank account says. 😅. He is already being spoilt by his grandfather and will be watching a Liverpool match at Anfield with him, so maybe we should hold off on an F1 race for another year or two.

My favourite sports to watch are athletics, swimming and tennis. I guess it is because they are individual sports, and I am in awe of the grace with which these athletes perform. These sports also have easy rules to understand. I mean, I still don’t understand the offside rule in soccer😂. Tennis was one of my mother’s favourite sports to watch, and I always watched it with her. She loved Wimbledon. She also loved watching the Comrades. Every year, without fail, she watched the race from the start until the men’s and ladies’ winners came in. Then she would check who made the silver cut-off and then watch the last half hour of the race. She would scream for those people who were limping to the finish and may not make the cut-off. That half hour is the most amazing period in the race because everyone is behind those runners who are trying to beat the gun. It doesn’t matter if you are cheering from home or the stadium; what mattered was that you were “willing” those runners to the finish line with your energy. I cannot describe the feeling.

I have done long-distance running, played netball, and swam at school, but all before puberty hit. Thereafter I lost interest in sport. I did enjoy it at the time, though.

What sports do you watch or play and why?

Thanks for popping by! Be Blessed.

You Can’t Win It If You Are Not in It!

Bloganuary writing prompt
What would you do if you won the lottery?

Hello again. Well. This topic is not exactly the same as last year’s, but my answer would still be largely the same. You can read about what I will do with a billion dollars here. 

Photo by Miguel u00c1. Padriu00f1u00e1n on Pexels.com

A lot of the time, we live in a place of fear. Fear is usually a strong emotion, making it very easy to manifest our fears.  I don’t believe fear can bring you such good fortune, but I am really keen to find out if I am mistaken. Were the winners just feeling very positive at the time of buying the ticket, or did they spend some time visualising themselves in the space where they had already won a few weeks before they were successful? I must admit, I keep forgetting to visualise my desires every night before I sleep, as Neville Goddard recommends, so success might take a little longer for me than most.🤪

If you happen to know anyone who appears to be constantly “lucky”, please let us know what you or they believe is the reason behind their good fortune.

Thanks for popping by. Be Blessed.

“Books are a uniquely portable magic.” – Stephen King

Bloganuary writing prompt
What books do you want to read?

A topic about books! Whoo Hoo! I could write about books for days…lol I will keep it short though.

My top 5 books that I would like to read this year are as follows:

  • The Year of the Locust by Terry Hayes. I read I Am Pilgrim when it launched, loved it, and had given up hope that this book would ever be published. It’s been almost nine years. I hope it’s worth the wait.
  • Educated by Tara Westover – this book was recommended by a fellow blogger earlier this month. I am looking forward to getting a copy.
  • Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that can’t stop talking by Susan Cain. I have owned this book since it launched, and I think it is finally time for me to read it. (Do you also believe that every book has its time?)
  • Women Who Run With Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype by Clarissa Pinkola Estés. I am just curious about this book.
  • Leonardo da Vinci by Walter Isaacson. I have yet to finish his biography of Einstein, and I would also like to get through this book. Da Vinci was a fascinating person.
Image: taken by author

What are you looking forward to reading this year? I have set myself a goal of 45 books this year, so I am open to recommendations.

Thanks for popping by. Be Blessed.